
The Future of Diridon Station

Diridon Station, a key transit hub at the western edge of Downtown San José, will be expanded and redesigned to address the region's future transit needs. A collaboration among five public agencies – City of San José, Caltrain, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), California High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA), and Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) – is underway to develop a comprehensive plan for the station. This initiative aims to improve the station's integration with the surrounding area, positioning it as a catalyst for both economic and community development. The goal of the project is to increase transit capacity and service, facilitate seamless transfers, and create a safe, passenger-friendly station.

  • On August 14 2024, two alternatives were shared with the station’s advisory board, the Diridon Joint Policy Advisory Board (JPAB). The project team is now collecting community input through various engagement activities that kicked off in September 2024. Feedback will then be incorporated to refine the designs with the goal of advancing one station design for environmental review starting in mid-2025.  

Design and project updates will be available on this website. You can also sign up for our email communications HERE


Diridon Pop-ups in Your Neighborhood

Join the Diridon team in the community to learn more about the exciting future of Diridon Station and share your valuable input. Upcoming events are as follows:

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Archive (information on three phases of engagement from 2018-2023)


Resources (handouts, applicable plans, background information)