Diridon Station Area Virtual Office Hours

Para obtener más información sobre el horario de oficina virtual, siga este enlace.

Community Discussion

City staff is held a series of listening sessions for the community to share their thoughts on a range of topics including Equity, Getting Around Downtown, Housing, Building Heights, and Parks and Public Space. These listening sessions were intended to collect ideas from the public including thoughts on existing conditions, aspirations, and concerns within the Diridon Station Area and greater Downtown. The Downtown Transportation Plan kicked off and initial input was appreciated. Staff will not be presenting during the Office Hours.

A summary of these office hours are now available

Parks and Public Space


In an effort to have a productive conversation, the office hours considered the following prompts in addition to general comments:

  1. Urban open spaces are often smaller in size than traditional parks and have less green space and more hardscape that includes intensive use like plazas, play features, and sitting areas. This has not been the typical model for San Jose parks but could be appropriate for the high intensity uses proposed in the Diridon Station Area.  

    A) What do you see as advantages and disadvantages of small park spaces with more hardscape?  
    B) What does the role of more traditional green park space play in the future of the Diridon Station Area? 

  2. What amenities/programs do you want to see more of in the City’s parks and recreation facilities throughout San Jose?  

  3. What amenities/programs do you want to see more of in the parks and recreation facilities in downtown San Jose and the Diridon Station Area?  

  4. What could be included in parks and recreation facilities that would help you feel connected to your neighborhood? 

Use the form below to submit comments about the questions above on Parks and Public Space.




In an effort to have a productive conversation, the equity office hours considered the following prompts in addition to general comments:

  1. What does accomplishing equity look like to you?

  2. What are known in-equities currently?

  3. Do you feel connected to your neighborhood? ​

  4. What do you want to see more or less of that would enhance cultural diversity, public life, and the Diridon Station Area and Downtown's distinct sense of place and identity?​

  5. What would allow you to better enjoy the distinct qualities of Downtown and the Diridon Station Area?​

  6. What are core commitments the community is looking for?

  7. Is it easy for you to get to Downtown and the Diridon Station Area?

  8. How does transportation impact your access to jobs or other economic opportunities?

  9. What needs to change about streets and places to make it more equitable?

  10. What are your hopes and dreams for Downtown and the Diridon Station Area?

 Use the form below to submit comments about the questions above on Equity.


Getting Around Downtown


In an effort to have a productive conversation, the office hours considered the following prompts in addition to general comments:

  1. Do you feel connected to your neighborhood?  

  2. What would make you feel more comfortable, or would allow you to better utilize and enjoy streets, plazas, parks and restaurants and shops in the Diridon Station Area and Downtown?  

  3. What modes of transportation would you most like to use for getting to and around the Diridon Station Area and Downtown?  

  4. As San Jose grows in the next 20 years, how would you like the way in which we get around to change?   

  5. How do you see the Downtown Transportation System evolving?  

  6. Downtown San Jose’s population in 20 years may be 3 times greater than today. What do you want to see more of or less of in the transportation infrastructure or service options that would help you choose the best way to get to where you need to be?   

  7. How could the Downtown transportation system be improved so you have a better quality of life?  

  8. What is one thing you would change about getting around Downtown?   

  9. What needs to change about downtown street and places to make it more equitable?  

  10. What is your favorite street in Downtown and why?  

 Use the form below to submit comments about the questions above on Getting Around Downtown.




In an effort to have a productive conversation, the office hours considered the following prompts in addition to general comments:

  1. How do you think about using land in Diridon for housing versus other uses?

  2. Thinking about the proportion of affordable housing with long-term restricted affordability vs. market-rate housing - do you think that Diridon should have about the same proportion of affordable housing as other transit stations, more, or less? 

  3. Cities that do well in curbing displacement take a 3-Ps approach - focusing on Production of affordable housing, Preservation of existing restricted and naturally affordable housing, and Protection of residents. How would you weight these three in importance?

  4. What do you believe are the equity issues involved in Diridon's development of housing that should become part of the analysis and/or Diridon Station Area Plan?

  5. What do you think the City's role should be in addressing equity issues regarding housing in Diridon, and how should that work?

 Use the form below to submit comments about the questions above on Housing.


Building Heights


In an effort to have a productive conversation, the Building Heights office hours considered the Areas of Focus shown on the attached Building Heights map and the following questions in addition to general comments:  

1.   Thinking about the building heights that staff is looking at for Area A in the DSAP (highlighted in pink and brown colors), Would you like to see heights that are:  

A) Greater than 90 feet 
B) A mix of different heights
C) 90 feet  

2.   Thinking about the building height that staff is looking at for Area B in the DSAP (highlighted in a brown color), Would you like to see a height that is:  

A) Greater than 140 feet  
B) 140 feet  

3.   Thinking about the building height that staff is looking at for Area C in the DSAP (highlighted in a purple color), Would you like to see a height that is:  

A) 285 feet  
B) 85 feet
C) 65 feet 

4.   Thinking about the building height that staff is looking at for Area D in the DSAP (highlighted in a light brown color), Would you like to see a height that is:  

A) Greater than 110 feet  
B) 110 feet   

5.   Thinking about the building height that staff is looking at for Area E in the DSAP (highlighted in a blue color), Would you like to see a height that is:  

A) 295 feet  
B) Lower than 295 feet  

6.   Thinking about the building height that staff is looking at for Area F in the DSAP (highlighted in a light brown color), Would you like to see a height that is:  

A) 110 feet  
B) Lower than 110 feet  

7.   Thinking about the building height that staff is looking at for Area G in the DSAP (highlighted in a blue color), Would you like to see a height that is:  

A) 290 feet  
B) Lower than 290 feet  

8.   Thinking about the building height that staff is looking at for Area H in the DSAP (highlighted in a blue color), Would you like to see a height that is:  

A) 290 feet  
B) Lower than 290 feet  

To view a PDF of the revised Building Heights Map, please follow this link.

Use the form below to submit comments about the questions above on Building Heights.