Planning for the Diridon Station Area (Spring 2020 Outreach)

Información sobre el alcance de la primavera de 2020 en español

Between November 2019 and January 2020, the City hosted several events to talk about the Downtown West mixed-use project proposed by Google, Diridon Station Area Plan (DSAP) amendment process, Diridon Integrated Station Concept Plan, and other related planning efforts affecting the area. View the event summaries here:

Since then, staff has made the following progress, taking into account input received in 2018 and subsequent rounds of outreach:

  • Developed preliminary concepts for the DSAP amendment process

  • Continued review of Google’s Downtown West mixed-use project

  • Began negotiations with Google on a Development Agreement

  • Began partnerships with seven community-based organizations to expand outreach and engagement capacity

Revised Timelines and Public Engagement Approach:

The City is currently focusing on emergency response to the coronavirus pandemic while continuing to provide essential services to businesses and residents. While we have had to slow down, work on Diridon projects is moving forward via telecommuting. Given the circumstances, we are adjusting the target for City Council consideration of the Google’s Downtown West Mixed-use Plan from end of 2020 to early 2021. For the City-initiated amendments to the Diridon Station Area Plan (DSAP), the goal is to release a Draft Amended Plan this fall. We acknowledge, however, that the situation is constantly evolving and that ongoing emergency response or recovery work could further affect these timelines.

The City’s commitment to ongoing and extensive community engagement on Diridon projects continues. Outreach and engagement will continue using online methods while restrictions are in place and staff capacity is limited. When possible, the City intends to resume a similar engagement process as described in this handout, but with shifted milestones. The following section describes the new information and feedback opportunities for the Spring 2020 round of public outreach.

Learn about Concepts Under Consideration and Provide Feedback:

The project team has prepared a Memo to summarize the status of the major projects affecting the Diridon Station Area and three presentations to share staff’s current thinking about potential amendments to the DSAP (originally intended for the March 18th SAAG meeting). Please click on the links below to view the presentations and complete the online survey linked at the bottom of this page to provide feedback. As another option, you may provide specific comments on those topics below each presentation. The project team will summarize and post online all comments submitted through the survey and comment forms. The comment forms will be open through the month of May.

Diridon Station Area Plan

This presentation presentation provides an update on the Diridon Station Area Plan (DSAP) amendment process. It summarizes staff’s preliminary concepts related to the land use plan, building height limits, and overall capacity for new development.
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This presentation provides an overview of staff’s current thinking on potential transportation improvements in the Diridon Station Area.
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Parks, Recreation, and Open Space

This presentation summarizes the open space plan in the adopted DSAP and concepts under consideration as the City works on amending the plan.
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Online Survey closed on July 31, 2020

In addition to getting reactions to the concepts under consideration, a survey was prepared to collect feedback on how to balance trade-offs and get to a mix of investments that will most benefit the people of San Jose. It built upon the Desired Outcomes identified through the 2018 engagement process and subsequent input. The survey will help inform the City’s work on the Google project, as well as broader policy changes that would apply to the entire Diridon Station Area. A summary of Survey results as of May 25, 2020 are available in addition to the final results.

This flyer summarizes the new information and current feedback opportunities. Please help us spread the word!

Visit the contact page to email or call the project team with any questions.