Building Upon Previous Community Engagement Input

Handout Content

Previous Efforts

The City of San Jose has been planning for improvements to the Diridon Station Area for over a decade. In 2009, the City convened the Diridon Good Neighbor Committee to provide input on the future of the station area. Based on this input and other public outreach, staff prepared the Diridon Station Area Plan, which City Council adopted in 2014.

Cover of Diridon Station Area Plan Final Report

Cover of Diridon Station Area Plan Final Report

2018 Engagements

  • 10 Station Area Advisory Group (SAAG) Meetings

  • 11 SAAG Solution Group Meetings

  • 7 Community Forums

  • 6 Pop-Ups at Neighborhood Events

  • 5 Stakeholder Presentations

  • 2 Walking Tours

  • 600 Online Survey Responses

Summary Report

The City summarized the input received during the engagement process into the Diridon Station Area Civic Engagement Report (October 2018). The input was categorized into “Key Issues and Opportunities” and “Desired Outcomes” (see reverse for more information). A key finding was that there is still general support for the Diridon Station Area Plan’s vision and objectives.

Google Development Project

On December 4, 2018, the City Council approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Google to guide collaboration on a mixed-use development project moving forward. The MOU documents shared goals and community priorities, based largely upon input received during the 2018 engagement process. The MOU outlines the process for negotiating a Community Benefits Plan as part of a Development Agreement.

Other City Planning Efforts

In addition to informing the Google Project, the City is considering the community input gathered in 2018 and before to inform other planning efforts, such as the Diridon Integration Station Concept Plan, amendments to the Diridon Station Area Plan, and areawide studies on Affordable Housing, Parking, and Infrastructure Financing.

Community Input Summary Report

Key Issues and Opportunities

  1. Housing and Displacement

  2. Revitalization of Downtown and the Diridon Station Area

  3. Job Opportunities and Social Equity

  4. Expectations of Google and Others

  5. Community Benefits

  6. Growth Impacts and Public Services

  7. High Speed Rail Impacts

  8. Safety and Homelessness

  9. Environmental Sustainability

  10. Effects on San Jose’s identity

Picture of hand written notes of Public Comments

Picture of hand written notes of Public Comments

Desired Outcomes

  • There is a nearly universal concern for the housing crisis; however, there was a wide range of nuanced perspectives about how to meaningfully address it and the implications for the potential Google development in the Diridon area.

  • Community Members want to enhance educational and economic opportunities for all residents of San José, with a range of perspectives on prioritizing social equity and leveraging Google’s strengths to support access to jobs in tech.

  • There was strong agreement among community members around land use, design, and parking goals, reflecting general support for a well-designed, high-density, mixed-use station area that integrates with Downtown, incorporates historic features and public art, and is sensitive to the surrounding neighborhoods.

  • Desired outcomes for public space, creeks, and trails had the highest level of agreement among community members, who seek a safe, accessible, and connected public realm that reflects San José’s unique identity.

  • There was very strong agreement among community members around transportation and transit, reflecting the significant interest in making the area supportive of transit use and safer for pedestrians and bicyclists, while also proactively managing vehicle traffic, parking, and emerging modes of travel.

  • Environmental sustainability goals were added to fully capture the community’s interest in integrating nature, enhancing habitat, using innovative green building techniques, and minimizing pollution.

Guest UserFall 2019