Google Project

Handout Content

How the Google Project fits in the Diridon Station Area Plan

The Diridon Station Area Plan (DSAP), adopted by the City Council in 2014, establishes the goal of creating a vibrant, mixed-use urban destination by creating:

  • A local and regional destination.

  • A lively public realm that fosters walking, biking, and transit integrated with a variety of public spaces.

  • Distinctive architecture and civic spaces that reflect Silicon Valley’s spirit of innovation and San José’s rich history

  • A strong sense of place as an identifier for San José as the center of Silicon Valley, the capital of the technology world.

In 2017, Google expressed interest in developing a project near the Diridon Station consistent with this vision. In late 2018, following community input, the City Council approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Google. The MOU outlines guiding principles and shared goals for Google’s mixed-used, transit-oriented development proposal. Find the MOU in the Archive section of

Aerial map overlay of Google Development Project Proposal and Diridon Station Area Plan

Aerial map overlay of Google Development Project Proposal and Diridon Station Area Plan

“Downtown West” Proposal

On October 10, 2019, Google submitted its plans for “Downtown West,” a mixed-used project on 84 acres largely within the 250-acre Diridon Station Area. The application is available at:

The Google proposal includes requests to amend the DSAP, General Plan, and the zoning code. The City and Google are also negotiating a Development Agreement, which will include a Community Benefits Plan. Concurrent with its review of the Google Project, the City is proceeding with its own efforts to amend the DSAP. The goal is for City Council to consider all of these items together in late 2020.

The Downtown West Mixed-use Project proposes the construction of approximately:

  • 6,500,000 to 7,300,000 gross square feet (GSF) of office space, including approximately 1,000,000 GSF on the previously entitled San Jose Water Company Building site east of Los Gatos Creek;

  • 3,000 to 5,900 units of new housing;

  • 300,000 to 500,000 GSF of active uses, which may include retail, cultural, arts, etc.;

  • 100,000 GSF of event space, hotel use (up to 300 rooms), and limited-term corporate accommodations (up to 800 rooms).

  • Additionally the proposal includes infrastructure, utilities, and public space.

Review Process City

Timeline of City Review Process for Google’s Proposed Development Project from fall 2019 through 2020

Timeline of City Review Process for Google’s Proposed Development Project from fall 2019 through 2020

Staff Review Period

As shown on the timeline above, Google’s submittal on October 10, 2019 commenced a review period that extends through the posting of the Staff Report to the Planning Commission, anticipated for Fall 2020. City staff across multiple departments as well as various City committees and commissions will review the proposed project for adherence to the policies and objectives of Envision San José 2040 General Plan and other City policies. All meetings of commitees and commission are public, and dates for their discussion of the project will post at GoogleProject.

Environmental Review Phase

The Planning Division environmental team will review Google’s proposal to ensure compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Environmental review begins with a Notice of Preparation and a public Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Scoping Meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to capture any public concerns that are in the purview of CEQA. These concerns will be reflected in a Draft EIR. Public comments on the Draft EIR will then be reflected in the Final EIR, which the Planning Commission and City Council will consider.

Public Hearings & Decision

Making City staff will report their findings, along with the public input they have received and the comments from agencies, commissions, and committees, to the Planning Commission and the City Council. The staff reports post seven days prior to the hearings, enabling the public to also read and consider the information prior to the hearings.

Learn More

  • for details on the proposal, review process, environmental documents, and public meetings relating to project review

  • for details on the Diridon Station Area Plan, public engagement, and related studies and planning efforts

  • for Google’s project website

Guest UserFall 2019