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Community Meeting: Diridon Station Area Plan

Hosted By: City of San Jose 

Description: A virtual community meeting to discuss the Draft Amended Diridon Station Area Plan (DSAP) and the Draft Diridon Station Area Affordable Housing Implementation Plan (AHIP) 

Format: Regular Zoom meeting, including City staff presentation and community discussion 

Projects/Focus Areas: Diridon Station Area Plan Amendment, Diridon Station Area Affordable Housing Implementation Plan 

Language Access: In English, with Spanish live interpretation

  • La interpretación del idioma español estará disponible durante esta reunión. Para información en Español, comuníquese con Jose Ruano al (408) 535-3803.

  • For all other languages, interpretation services will be available upon request. Please email with the requested language by November 30.

  • For Americans with Disabilities Act accommodation, please call 408-535-1260 (Voice) or 408-294-9337 (TTY) at least two days before the meeting.

  • Muốn biết tin tức bằng tiếng Việt về tờ thông tin này, xin quý vị liên lạc Kieulan Pham ở số (408) 793-4174.

Meeting Materials:

Other links/information: