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Community Meeting

  • Leininger Community Center 1300 Senter Rd, San José (map)

The City hosted two Community Meetings to talk about all of the major projects affecting the Diridon Station Area – including the Google project, the City-initiated amendment process to amend the Diridon Station Area Plan (2014), the Diridon Integrated Station Concept Plan, and other related projects planning efforts.

These meetings had light refreshments, activities for children, and live interpretation in Spanish and Vietnamese. Each Community Meeting offered an opportunity to talk with the project team, ask questions, and share your input. The meetings began with a short presentation, followed by a break-out session covering the following topics at different stations around the room:

  1. Google Downtown West Mixed-Use Plan

  2. Diridon Station Area Plan

  3. Diridon Integrated Station Concept

  4. Transportation and Parking

  5. Parks, Trails, and Open Space

  6. Housing and Displacement Prevention

The boards and handouts for the Community Meeting are available at the top of this page, for review: Event flyers were available in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. A summary for the Community Meetings will be posted shortly.

Earlier Event: November 15
JPAB Meeting
Later Event: November 19
SAAG: Small Group Meeting