Google’s Updated Submittal for the Downtown West Mixed-Use Plan

Google originally submitted an initial development application with conceptual plans to the City of San Jose on October 10, 2019. On October 7, 2020, they submitted updated plans with additional detail and the remaining application documents necessary for the City to complete the development review process and continue to gather public input. The updated submittal is available at and generally includes: 

  • an updated project description; 

  • updated land use, infrastructure, and open space plans; 

  • detailed Design Standards and Guidelines for the Downtown West project; 

  • applications to change the regulations to accommodate the proposal (e.g., Planned Development zoning district, General Plan amendments, DSAP amendments, etc.).

The City has also posted the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Downtown West project and hosted a virtual Development Application Community Meeting on October 19.  

The following videos describe the updated project description and Downtown West Design Standards and Guidelines (prepared by Google) and explain the updated submittal, development review process, DEIR, and public engagement opportunities (prepared by the City).

Staff requested and encouraged public comments on the updated submittal by January 11, 2021. Staff is now considering the feedback while finishing their project review and preparing recommendations for Planning Commission and City Council. Moving forward, please send any questions or comments to James Han at All comments will be included in the public record and provided to Planning Commission and City Council.


City of san jose’s presentation on the development review process

On October 7, 2020, Google submitted updated plans and new documents that enable the City to complete its review of the project. To better understand what Go...

Google’s presentation on their updated submittal, including Downtown West Design Standards and Guidelines